Knitting Without Dog Hair Is Not an Option

Hi there - My name is Claudia. I live with my hubby and our two furry kids in Georgia, USA. Originally I am from Germany - southern belle from Bavaria replanted to the Southern US. I am very addicted to knitting - 4-5 projects going at the same time... What can I say...

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Location: Peckerwood, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday Report - Part Two

In case you wonder if I was a good girl and Santa brought me some nice gifts... YES INDEED! Hey, I am a knitter! That alone should qualify!

This Christmas, Hubby went all out to find very cool ornaments. I think we have enough ornaments to have a different theme every year for many, many years to come. Here are some of the themes:

  ·  Shoes
  ·  Cows
  ·  Knitting
  ·  Corvettes (yes, you read correctly)
  ·  Cirque du Soleil
  ·  South Park
  ·  Crystal
  ·  Looney Tunes

I am sure I'm forgetting something - forgive me...

But first of all - Thanks to Aunt Pixie, Noah and Hermione got gifts as well:

Hermione and Aunt Pixie's gift Noah and Aunt Pixie's gift

They had a ball! :-) I'll spare you the drooly pictures. :-)

Here are some of the knitting ornaments I got from mah mayn:

Knitting Ornament Knitting Ornament
Knitting Ornaments
Knitting Ornaments
Knitting Ornaments

AND he got me a gazillion shoe ornaments. I will post about them later, in a separate post. I really got a gazillion, and I need to take pictures. Stay tuned for the shoes... But here is a cute teaser - called The Queen of Shoes. I guess that's what Hubby secretly calls me ...

The Queen of Shoes - Ornament

Don't ask me where he finds these things - I know he shops a lot on eBay.

And I got a Sock Monkey - isn't she adorable? She dangles from my car's rearview mirror and drives with me everywhere. YAY!

The Sock Monkey

Another theme was Corvettes. My all-time favorite car is a 1968 Corvette Stingray. I know I will never own one, mainly because it's a really crappy car, but it looks so cool! So, besides a load of Corvette ornaments, Hubby found a salt and pepper shaker set shaped like a Corvette (1953), which is a great year - guess who's birth year that is...

Corvette Salt & Pepper Shaker

OK - enough with the ornaments... Here is what I got from Mom. Remember the green cardigan with the cables? she knitted me a matching tank top - now I have a twin set. How classy!

Xmas Gift from Mom

And if anyone thinks that I am a fast knitter, get this - my Mom knitted a hat and three pairs of socks during the week before Christmas. She is A LOT faster. Unbelievable! And one of the pairs of socks was for my BIL - he has big feet - especially on sock yarn with size #1 needles...

Here is another great gift. My sweet SIL in Vermont sent me this awesome book. It's all about the different sheep breeds and specifics about their wool. And some really cool pewter charms:

Xmas Gifts from SIL

And the most hilarious gift I got from my bro and SIL in Germany. Cow Birkies!

Cow Birkies (Birkenstocks) and napkins

I am going to be the only silly almost-40-year-old running around with these shoes. But I don't care - people already know I have a screw or two loose...

And last but not least - a picture of Hubby's goils. Mommy and Hermione wear almost matching outfits (a little bit of fur and red...) - he took a really great picture of the two of us (if you disregard the big pimple on my chin...):

Claudia and Hermione

He thought this would make a great Christmas card picture for next year, but I don't really like that idea because the men of our little family are not in the picture - Noah was off snoring somewhere and Hubby was busy behind the camera snapping off shot after shot to get this one... We'll see, maybe I can convince him to try and pose all four of us with the tripod and self-timer before the tree comes down...

OK - I gotta go lay down for a while now... I am kinda sluggish this week - probably from de-stressing... I even have to force myself to blog... YIKES!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorites are the Santa knitting ornament and the Sock Monkey...P.S...take a photo of your husb and tree and other puppy separately if you can...also together ...we can collage them with Photoshop, gurl...VE HAF DA TEKNOLOGIE!

5:55 PM EST  

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