Knitting Without Dog Hair Is Not an Option

Hi there - My name is Claudia. I live with my hubby and our two furry kids in Georgia, USA. Originally I am from Germany - southern belle from Bavaria replanted to the Southern US. I am very addicted to knitting - 4-5 projects going at the same time... What can I say...

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Location: Peckerwood, Georgia, United States

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Two More Sleepless Nights...

... and we're off to SAFF! It feels like Christmas in October! ;-)

First, a reminder about the meet-ups during SAFF - in case you haven't seen notices posted on one of the knitting or spinning groups in the Atlanta area. We have organized a bunch of meet-ups for Friday and Saturday. Here is the information:

Claudia's Meet-up – Friday, 10/27/06:
Several of us are staying at the Holiday Inn at the Asheville airport (address: 550 Airport Road, Fletcher, NC 28732, Tel: 828-684-1213). It's within a mile of the SAFF fairgrounds. The hotel has a restaurant (Christy's Café – open from 5:30-9pm for dinner) and a bar (The Hanger – open from 5pm-2am). I thought it would be
easy for people to meet there for dinner on Friday night. I made a dinner reservation for 20 people at 6pm. Please comment here to let me know if you intend to join us so I can save you a seat. Afterwards, we could go to the bar for more knitting & socializing.

Pixie's Meet-up – Saturday, 10/28/06:
We will have a blogger meet-up during the class break, from noon until 1pm. All are welcome. We are going to meet just inside the vendor building. As you enter the building, you'll see a concession stand to the left and concrete steps/seats to the floor-level vendors. We will be meeting on those steps under the concession stand area in the general vicinity between stalls #25 and #74 (refer to the vendor/workshop map). There's no way for us to reserve the spot, so you may have to look around for us a little. Please leave a comment at Pixie's blog if you want to join us, so we'll know to look around for you too.

Jen's Meet-up – Saturday, 10/28/06:
Then on Saturday night we will be having a "Blogger Booze Blowout". Again, you do NOT need to be a blogger to come party! We will be meeting at Jack of the Wood starting around 7-7:30pm-ish, and lasting until...? If this party doesn't work for you and you want to plan an alternate hookup, please feel free - we won't be offended (tho' if you know of a compelling reason why we'd be happier somewhere else, let us know). If you want to drop by earlier or later, that's fine too. Casual, fun, and hassle-free are our goals here. But if you are planning to come, please leave a comment at Jen's blog.

Check back on our blogs to find out about any last-minute changes in times or venues. Hope to see you there!


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